The Chronicle of Zion Lutheran Church
Bridgeport, Connecticut
The original Church Register included sections for, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths and for a Chronicle of the Church. The Pastors of the church would write about the events that occurred during their times there. The chronicle was written in German. The following is a translation made in the early 1970s by Mrs. Margaret Connock.
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Fourteen members stayed but the others left, they said, they would start a Church where the Pastor would not preach against Masonry and other Lodges. So, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church was started. They even found Ministers who even encouraged membership in lodges. the 14 men who remained in our Mission Church were; C. Brechlin, R. Janneck, F. Kalchert, A. Kalchert, F Löhn, G. Potz, S. Brustat, Al Voight, B. Strempel, G. Bahn, W. Voight, O. Boelter, C. Müller, A. Müller. Trusting in God for help they carried on the work. They had to leave their Parish house and find another place. This they found at Noble Ave and Sterling Street. The Membership grew and the place had to be enlarged.
On Feb 26th they had three special Services. It was the one year anniversary. In the morning Service Pastor Feth preached. In the afternoon, the Missionary preached in English and in the evening German. Many Lutherans from New Haven attended the Services.
On March 26th Six children were Confirmed.
On Oct 26th the Ladies Aid Society celebrated their first anniversary. Christmas these celebrated a real Lutheran celebration. In the morning a special Christmas Service for the Children.
March 1894 a young peoples society was begun. Mr. A. Trommer was the only Confirmant, a former Roman Catholic was converted and joined the Lutheran Church.
In the beginning of 1895 our Church went through this time of trouble. Evil speaking and lies had been circulated about our Church, but God was with us and helped us through this time of evil talk. Gossip
In February we completed a full size constitution. On Feb 25th we had a special Thanksgiving Service. After three years Thanking God for His Blessings. 52 were Baptized, 19 were Confirmed, and 257 took Holy Communion, 13 Married, and 9 Deaths.
All voters were present and everything regarding Church Services and everything connected with the Church was to be conducted and arranged in an orderly manner.
Oct 16, 1895 – On this day the Church was incorporated under the name “First German Evangelical Lutheran Zions Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession of Bridgeport, Connecticut”. Ebling took care of matters that came up regarding the “Church”. 16 members, more than two thirds, completed the incorporation of the Church. W. Voigt, W. Voight, August Müller signed the State Incorporation Document.