The Chronicle of Zion Lutheran Church

Bridgeport, Connecticut

The original Church Register included sections for, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths and for a Chronicle of the Church. The Pastors of the church would write about the events that occurred during their times there. The chronicle was written in German. The following is a translation made in the early 1970s by Mrs. Margaret Connock.

Zion Lutheran Church Register – page 388

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and August Müller signed the State Incorporation Documents.

Sept. 29, 1895 – The Church held it’s first Mission Festival with Zion Lutheran Church of New Haven, Prof Feth and P. Tilly were the Preachers.

On Oct 31, 1895 Reformation Festival, Pastor Steup of New York preached.

Nov 10th Celebrated birthday of Doctor Martin Luther.

Aug 16, 1896 Pastor F. E. Tilly Preached his farewell Sermon. He waited four years and is now following in his aged father’s footsteps. His father was Minister at the St. Jacobs Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winfield, New York.

Acts 20 v. 31 – 32 “My Farewell greeting to the Church is a warning and also a Prayer!” –  (signed) F. E. Tilly

Nov 29, 96 – After the Church was without their own Pastor for a period of four months. By the grace of God a new Pastor came to them, the Pastor Henry Spannuth former pastor of English Ev. Lutheran Church at Charlottesville, Va. He could not at first to make up his mind as he did not wish to leave his congregation. But then when another call came to him, again, he felt it his duty to accept, so on the 27th of Nov he and his wife arrived here and they were very kindly received by the members of the congregation. On Nov 29th at the evening Service he was installed as Pastor, Pastors F. E. Tilly, W. R. Fisher of Danbury, Conn and H. E. Fisher of New Haven, Conn. conducted the Sacred installation Service. Many members of the Church were also present. The new Pastor held his dedication Sermon. All felt they had a dedicated Preacher and worker for the Lord’s Work. (signed) Henry Spannuth

Feb 10, 1897 – On this day at a special meeting, by the Grace of God, four persons were accepted as members of the congregation. They are as follows; Mr. H. S. Brostat, John Brostat, John Fiehler and Felix Woltersdorf. A place for building a new chapel is being considered. With God’s help the members of the Church hope this may be accomplished.

April 11th – On this day, a girl by the name of Ella Brostat confessed her faith in Christ and joined the Lutheran Church by Confirmation. An interpreter had to interpret for her. We all thank God for bringing this child into His Church.