The Chronicle of Zion Lutheran Church

Bridgeport, Connecticut

The original Church Register included sections for, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths and for a Chronicle of the Church. The Pastors of the church would write about the events that occurred during their times there. The chronicle was written in German. The following is a translation made in the early 1970s by Mrs. Margaret Connock.

Zion Lutheran Church Register – page 394

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We now opened our school, and were amazed to find fifty children waiting to be enrolled and also to be examined and assigned to their different classes. Teachers, Mr. Miller of Danbury, Wagner of New Britain, and Dossoler of New Haven came to our aid with this difficult job. We soon found that we needed more than one teacher especially if more children came and our school kept on growing. By the time later in the year on Pentecost there were 61 pupils. The past year the Church Pastor and Mr. Maibohms took care of all the children. Thankful to say our school was in a healthy state, but sorry to say not our teacher. He became more discouraged and unhappy in his work. The Pastor tried his best to comfort and plead with him to encourage him in vain. On April 24, 1904 – at a meeting the Pastor received the unexpected notice of the resignation of teacher Mainbohms. So Mr. M. Dressler an experienced teacher called by the congregation but to their dissapointment Mr. Dressler refused. So we were without a teacher for some time. We asked our Synod to help us, and, Thank God! to the great joy of all who loved our school They sent us a candidate, a Mr. Wilhelm W. Wiersig of Alva, Okla. We had sent out 74 calls, of these only 27 could have been considered able to fill the vacancy. Candidate Wiersig looked forward with great pleasure to teach in the school, and on August 15th he was expected to arrive here. “May God give him a safe journey and bless him in his new job.” signed Aug 2, 1904 Pastor Wilhelm.

We are happy to say that Mr. H. S. Brustat a Lithuanian and elder in our “Zion” church a great worker for the Lord’s work. He entered and enrolled in our Seminary in Springfield, Ill. His great wish is to help his Lithuanian brothers and their children and bring the “Gospel” to them and bring them to Faith in Christ! There are so many Lithuanians in our country. (Feb 7, 1906 entered)

To be continued