The Chronicle of Zion Lutheran Church
Bridgeport, Connecticut
The original Church Register included sections for, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, Deaths and for a Chronicle of the Church. The Pastors of the church would write about the events that occurred during their times there. The chronicle was written in German. The following is a translation made in the early 1970s by Mrs. Margaret Connock.
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The Jubilee Sermon was on Job 6-66-69. In the Evening it was ob, Rev 3-6-13. The Pastor of “Zion” was the Preacher.
Now after all these years we had no school which we felt was of great importance. So, we called an assembly, and the result was to build a school. On Feb 19, 1902 this decision was made and even against difficulties we found out how God blessed our efforts and was our great help! and that nothing is impossible with God! After the building for the school was finished we waited a whole year to get the money together. In the summer 1903 this was accomplished. The cost was $3322.22 this included the furnishing of the school. $2,095.77; $637.45 This amount was given to us from several churches of our Synod. And from our own fund we received a loan of $700.00, no interest added. Now the next thing was to get teachers. We prayed earnestly to God for help. March 29, 1903 Ad. Maibohms of New Orleans, La was engaged to teach. He was rather reluctant in accepting the call. He did not feel equal for the undertaking the responsibility of a school like ours. On Aug 21, he came to Bridgeport and on Aug 23, 1903 we had a great celebration and were all so grateful to God, What he had done for us. We had a double dedication Service for the school and also the teacher. The members came form New Haven, Stamford, S. Norwalk, and Danbury to celebrate with us. We had three Services, Morning, afternoon, and Evening, Rev. Fisher was the morning Preacher, Pastor P. Tilly preached in English at the evening service. P. Kretzmann took over part of the Altar Service. In the morning service the Dedication and opening of the school took place. The Pastor of the Church brought the Dedication Service to a close, with a short address to the children. Then a short Dedication of installing Mr. Maibohms in his sacred and important work- as teacher.